Pixeles Muertos.

Pixeles Muertos.

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Videodrome - Nobody´Story

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My blood is mixed
My mother was ungumpai picani, my father was habsoluca
This mixture was not respected; as a small boy I was often left to myself
So I spent many months stalking the Elk people, to prove i would soon become a good hunter
One day finally, my Elk relatives took pity on me, and a young Elk gave his life to me
With only my knife, I took his life
As I was preparing to cut the meat white men came upon me, they were English soldiers
I cut one with my knife but they hit me on the head, with a rifle
All went black; my spirit seemed to leave me
I was then taken east, in a cage
I was taken to Toronto, then Philadelphia, and then to New York; and each time I arrived in another city, somehow the white man had moved all thier people there ahead of me
Each new city contained the same white people as the last, and I could not understand how a whole city of people could be moved so quickly
Eventually, I was taken on a ship across the great sea, over to England, and I was paraded before them like a captured animal, an exhibit
So I mimicked them, imitating their ways, hoping they might lose interest in this young savage, but their interest only grew
I was copying them so they placed me into the white mans school
It was there that I discovered, in a book, the words that William Blake had written
They were powerful words and they spoke to me
So I made careful plans and eventually I escaped
Once again I crossed the great ocean
I saw many sad things as I made my way back to the lands of my people
Once they realized who I was, the stories of my adventures angered them
They called me a liar
Xebachae-he who talks loud saying nothing
Ridiculed by my own people, and I was left to wander the earth alone
I am Nobody.

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

The LonG GoodbyE. A Curro.

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Oo, little sleepy boy
Do you know what time it is?
Well the hour of your bedtime's long been past
And though I know you're fighting it
I can tell when you rub your eyes
You're fading fast, oh fading fast

Won't you run come see St. Judy's Comet
Roll across the skies
And leave a spray of diamonds in its wake
I long to see St. Judy's Comet
Sparkle in your eyes when you awake
Oh, when you wake, wake

Little boy
Won't you lay your body down
Little boy
Won't you close your weary eyes
Ain't nothing flashing but the fireflies

Well I sang it once and I sang it twice
I'm going to sing it three times more
I'm going to stay 'til your resistance
Is overcome
'Cause if I can't sing my boy to sleep
Well it makes your famous daddy look so dumb
look so dumb

Won't you run come see St. Judy's Comet
Roll across the skies
And leave a spray of diamonds in its wake
I long to see St. Judy's Comet
Sparkle in your eyes when you awake
Oh, when you wake, wake

Little boy, little boy
Won't you lay your body down
Little boy, little boy
Won't you close your weary eyes
Ain't nothing flashing but the fireflies

Oo, little sleepy boy
Do you know what time it is?
Well the hour of your bedtime's long been past
And though I know you're fighting it
I can tell when you rub your eyes
You're fading fast, oh fading fast

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

Que yo lo he leido en un libro!

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"¡Adiós mis amigos! Mi camino desciende por aquí en la montaña, por otro lado el de ustedes. Desde hace tiempo los veo cada vez más lejos de mí. Un día desaparecerán del todo. De aquí a poco tiempo mi senda me parecerá solitaria sin su compañía. Las praderas serán landas estériles. No cesa de palidecer mi recuerdo. El camino que recorro se estrecha y endurece, la noche está cada vez más próxima. Pero en el porvenir, nuevos soles se alzarán, llanuras inesperadas se extenderán ante mí, y hallaré nuevos peregrinos que tendrán en sí la virtud que descubrí en ustedes, que serán ellos mismos la virtud que eran ustedes. 
Me someto a esta saludable y eterna ley, que reinaba en aquella primavera en que los conocí, que reina en esta primavera en que me parece que los pierdo. Amigos de antaño, vuelvo a visitarlos como quien marcha entre las columnas de un templo en ruinas. Ustedes pertenecen a una época, a una civilización, a una gloria, hace tiempo extintas. Sus armoniosas líneas aún se distinguen, a pesar de las convulsiones sufridas y de los chacales que rondan las ruinas. Vengo a reencontrar el pasado, a descifrar sus inscripciones, los jeroglíficos, los manuscritos sagrados. Ya no encarnamos mucho nuestro yo antiguo."

"Elogio de la vida salvaje" Henry David Thoreau

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

WhaT iS ThiS ThinG CalleD SciencE? - The sky is ours, 20 years of Hubble.

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  Foto: NASA/ Hubble ST.

  Foto: NASA / ESA.

  Foto: NASA/ Hubble ST.

  Foto: NASA / ESA.


  Foto: NASA / ESA and Hubble Heritage Team.

  Foto: NASA / ESA and Hubble Heritage Team.

  Foto: NASA / ESA and Hubble Heritage Team.

  Foto: NASA/ Hubble ST.

Foto: ACS Science Engineering Team / NASA.

"We had the sky, up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made, or only just happened."

Mark Twain, "Huckleberry Finn".